If you suspect a shark fishing violation or find a dead shark report it to the FWC's Wildlife Alert Number at
888-404-FWCC or online at FWC Wildlife Alerts

If you suspect a shark fishing violation or find a dead shark report it to the FWC's Wildlife Alert Number at
888-404-FWCC or online at FWC Wildlife Alerts

Become a Shark Watch volunteer today and actively participate in protecting Florida sharks.

Sharks worldwide are listed as endangered, and most shark species are considered vulnerable or threatened. One reason shore-based shark fishing is so harmful to sharks is because shark's skeletal system is made of cartilage when they are pulled out of the water; the weight of their bodies can collapse onto their organs, crushing them. Catch and release may sound good in theory, but the stress and physical damage sharks experience often prove fatal, notably among tiger sharks and great hammerheads. It is for these reasons that the actions of shore-based shark fishing must be monitored and illegal activity reported.
If you care about sharks and want to bring those that harm them to justice, join our team of Shark Defenders today!
Here are some activities Shark Watch volunteers participate in.
Walking the beach and documenting people shark fishing.
Reporting dead sharks on the beach to the FWC's Hotline at (800)-636-0511
Handing out Shark Watch leaflets educating the public on the impact of shore-based shark fishing.
Putting up Shark Watch signs. Email us for availability.
Working with local municipalities to pass shark-fishing bans.
You don't have to patrol the beach to make a difference. In the age of the "selfie," people go through great lengths to capture photos and videos that will get them notoriety on social media networks. If you find incriminating evidence via social media or any other outlet that fits the criteria listed in our what is considered illegal activity section, please send us the information at contact@shark-watch.org.